Our Classes

  • We offer one free trial class to all new students

  • Advanced classes require Pre Requisites

Pre Pointe

This class teaches the fundamentals of ballet and prepares students to begin work in pointe shoes.

$60/ Month

Intro to Dance

A class for ages 3+ which teaches the foundational skills to dance to lyrical and jazz.

$60/ Month

Competitive Dance

Teams available for ages 3+. This is a full 12 month season. Competitions are January through April.

Toddler Tumbler

A class designed for ages 2-4 (must be potty trained). This class teaches flexibility and the basic tumbling. 30 minute class

$45/ Month

Beginners Tumble

This class is designed for kids ages kinder and up. Learn the basics of tumble and begin advancing skills.

$60/ Month

Advanced Tumble

This class is for 7+. Pre requisites required.

$55/ Month

Adult Workout

Adult Workout Classes

Barre, Pilates, Yoga, Cross Fit

Competitive Cheer

Ages 3+

Full Season Teams